Friday, May 16, 2008

Brain, Heart and Soul

this is just a worthwhile topic for those who want to peep into their life about their existence
In my own life i always put weightage on brain rather than heart, start listening ur heart and soul things will be better in everyones life

Brain, Heart and Soul these three are different entities which are intermingled in ours life so that we never feel that these are so different to each other. Soul reprents represent the miniture form of our life like the ATGC for our body. Like wise for our functioning of the body depends upon the atomocity of basepairs same ways life depends upon the miniture form called soul. Everyone one of us have face this kind of condition like Brain(mind)'s desicion is differ with respect to heart and end in a dilemma to whom we should listen. There is one thing is sure like brain is more selfish than heart.Now comes the role of soul which decides the course of action by taking a data from of these sources called brain and heart.In this world we face fierce competition from peers and outside , having envy and vendetta withsomeone so all of these factors leads to the culprit brain who is solely responsible for these factors. Note jealously, envy, vendetta all these are the attributes of brain only while genrousity, kindness etc comes from heart if every individaul would consider their heart as well then there wont be any war, starvation,betray etc. Here comes the soul which decides the decision of life and irony is that we never believes that soul also exit like there there are trillion cells and each cell represent trillion basepairs in our body likewise soul exist in each of them . Soul weighs the heart and brain points and as per that wise decision is made .

hypothetical examples which seen but never expierenced
Example 1: there is someone in paper asking u for a help but u deny by saying no because u dont want person to have more marks than u ,which may lead to bittereness and envy . Desion maker Brain
solution: see the situation whether individual is asking for help to just pass or to excel if pass just do it.
Example 2: U have a girlfriend (only u assume not she) u have a jealously with her boyfirend eventhough u never seen her boyfriend. Desion maker Brain
solution: like and love those individual who likes u as well , singlesided things neverhave future
Example 3: Ur own people or some relatives have more envy or jealously with urs achievement rather than outsider.
solution: just remain keep and quiet about ur sucess because these people have no solution.
there are endless examples likethis so inorder to lead a better a life one start considering soul so that the both heart and brain attributes equally considered for any decision of life.


Ashish Agarwal said...

good article...its of a different kind. keep it up

Ashish Kumar said...

nice job
well at some places you say there are no solutions
but i believe that everything has a solution.